Understanding The Child Custody Choices With Divorce


Child custody arrangements refer to the legal and physical custody of a child after a divorce or separation. There are several types of custody arrangements, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.  Sole physical custody: This is when one parent has the primary responsibility for the child's physical care.  Advantages: Provides stability and consistency for the child Can be easier to make decisions for the child's upbringing May be appropriate if one parent is unfit or unable to care for the child Disadvantages:

16 May 2023

Recovering Damages After A Motorcycle Accident: Types Of Compensation Available


Motorcycle accidents have more devastating consequences than other vehicular accidents since motorcycles don't have features such as a protective body and airbags to reduce the impact of an accident. Unfortunately, what most people think of when filing a claim for a motorcycle accident is recovering the medical expenses incurred due to the accident, ignoring other long-term effects. That's understandable because such accidents result in huge medical bills that may overwhelm your family.

11 April 2023

Why Moving Out Of Your Home Can Backfire When Fighting For Custody


While going through a divorce, you likely can't wait to move out of the same home as your spouse. However, moving out can affect your ability to receive custody if you have kids. The courts are more likely to award custody to a parent living with the children unless there is a reason to do otherwise. Why Your Living Arrangement Matters One of the family judge's goals is to avoid disrupting each child's life as much as possible.

1 March 2023

Different Types Of Wills And How To Select The Most Suitable One When Planning Your Estate


You can apply various strategies and use different documents when planning your estate. Significantly, a legal advisor can help you choose the most appropriate ones for your situation. For example, they can recommend that you include a will in your estate planning. In addition, they will assist you in choosing the type of will that'll enable you to accomplish your desired results. Below are some of the wills your wills attorney may advise you to consider when planning your estate:

25 January 2023

4 Problems That Can Come Up During The Probate Process


If someone in your family has recently passed away, it is possible that their estate is going to go through the probate process. However, this process does not always go smoothly, since some problems can come up along the way. Here are a few of those common problems that you may run into during probate. Validating The Will  A potential problem can arise if family members believe the will being used during probate is the actual will.

20 December 2022

Finding A New Position After A Workplace Injury


It's only natural for a hurt worker to reconsider how they earn their living after a work-related accident. They may want to switch gears and find a less-dangerous job, one that is less physical, or one that won't result in an injury again. If a hurt worker is benefiting from their employer's workers' comp plan, though, they are right to wonder how taking a new job could affect them. Read on and learn more.

10 November 2022

Personal Injury Actions: Your Time Is Limited


There are time constraints on most legal matters. Some of them are set by law and some are based on the relative fragility of evidence. To find out why timing is so important for a personal injury case, read on. Limits Set by Law After a personal injury situation, be it a slip and fall, a car accident, or any other type of civil issue, the clock begins to tick. Every state has a statute addressing how much time a victim may take to file a lawsuit against the other party.

7 October 2022